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Gluten Free Eggy Bread

Eggy bread, french toast, or angel bread as I used to know it from school, is a super easy breakfast, simply bread fried in egg, very delicious when it is spiced up with cinnamon and served with fruit a nutritious and filling breakfast. Spice it up as much as you like with cinnamon or even add a bit of ginger to jazz it even more.

This recipe contains:

  • Egg
Recipe by Alison Wheatley


2 eggs, beaten
Pinch of cinnamon
2 slices gluten free bread
Few handfuls of mixed berries (or other fruit)
  • Preparation Time: 5 Mins
  • Cooking Time: 10 Mins
  • This recipe makes 1 serving


1. Beat the cinnamon into the eggs.

2. Pour the beaten eggs onto a plate and soak the bread on both sides for a few minutes.

3. Spray a frying pan with frylight (or alternatively use oil), place over a low heat and allow to get hot, fry the bread for a good 3-4 minutes on each side until the egg is browned.

4. Serve with berries and grapes or any other fruit of choice.

FODMAP friendly recipe depending on what berries you choose to serve it with.

Nutritional Information (Per serving)

Calories Carbs Fibre Fat Sugar Protein
403 47g 7g 17g 15g 18g

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